Financial Wellness For Big-Hearted Humans

A New Path

Step into a transformative journey towards financial empowerment and heartfelt abundance with our 4 week online group coaching course.

Through intimate coaching sessions and vibrant group workshops, you’ll design a new future in which your financial wellness aligns seamlessly with your most deeply-held values.

It’s time to map a new path forward...

This program is for you if
  • You feel like no matter what you do with your money, you’re always just kind of “getting by”.

  • You’ve made half a dozen budgets but you never seem to *actually* stick to them.

  • You feel insecure about your financial knowledge … Like you just “don’t get” how it all works.

  • You’re sick and tired of traditional financial advice - that’s boring at best, and shaming at worst.

  • You want to design a life full of meaning AND money, but you can’t figure out how.

  • You’re passionate about creating a better future for yourself and for the world.
A unique group private coaching experience to support you in
  • Achieving greater confidence when it comes to your finances;

  • Breaking out of the "paycheck to paycheck" cycle;

  • Making your money work for YOU (rather than the other way around).
We ll do this through
  • Clarifying your financial vision and redefining the role of money in your life;

  • Leveraging the power of financial psychology to build a holistic money management routine;

  • Moving beyond theory to create personalized practices that fit your life and your values.

“Money empowers the heart to speak effectively.”

Richard B. Wagner

A New Path - Coaching Package

$555 CAD

One-time payment covers the entire program including:

  • 4 group workshops;
  • 2 private coaching sessions with Angie;
  • The complete accompanying workbook;
  • Access to the learning portal.

A New Path - ​Workshop Series

$222 CAD

One-time payment for the workshop-only ​package includes: 4 live group workshops, ​the complete accompanying workbook ​(over 70 pages of curated goodness), and ​online access to the learning portal - filled ​with video recordings + resources to ​support you on your journey.

*Or choose the 3-part payment plan ​and pay $89 per month.

“Money is probably the most emotionally meaningful ​object in contemporary life; only food and sex are its close ​competitors as common carriers of such strong and ​diverse feelings, significances, and strivings.”

David W. Krueger

September ‘24

A New Path ​Course Outline

Group workshops are held on consecutive Thursdays at 4 - 6 pm (PST)

Private coaching is scheduled individually to accommodate student schedules.

Module 1: Orientation + Mapping Fulfillment

Sept. 12th// 4 - 6 PM (PST). Group workshop - we review the course structure and​ guidelines; and share our intentions, expectations + goals for the journey ahead.​

Module 2: Compassionate Audit Process

Solo assignment - implementing trauma-informed money management tools to conduct an audit of your current financial wellbeing.

Module 3: Rewriting Money Stories

Sept 19th// 4 - 6 PM (PST). Group workshop - using the profound power of narrative​ psychology, we uncover new opportunities for financial growth and empowerment.​

Module 4: Ethical Abundance

Private coaching - meet with Angie for your first private coaching session to uncover your own version of ethical abundance.

Module 5: Uncovering Core Values & Defining Wealth

Sept 26th // 4 - 6 PM (PST). Group workshop - we unveil your unique definition of​ wealth and begin coordinating your path to prosperity.​

Module 6: Building Your Aligned Budget

Solo assignment - you’ll begin formulating a new values-aligned spending plan, cultivating a budget based on what matters most to you.

Module 7: Financial Resonance

Meet with Angie for your second private coaching session to explore your unique expression of financial resonance.

Module 8: Embodied Momentum

Oct. 3rd // 4 - 6 PM (PST). Group workshop - together we’ll deepen into our personal ​commitments by defining aligned financial action plans.

Client testimonials...

“Angie has such an uplifting and dedicated presence. She really makes you feel heard, seen and supported. She radiates encouragement and deep empathy.”

“Since working with Angie, I've learned so much about myself and have finally started living my dream life. I wish everyone had an Angie in their corner - we would all be living fuller, happier lives!”

“She’s been a true light in my life. I was new to coaching when we started working together, and being complete strangers, I wasn’t sure what to expect. It has been an experience I will never forget.”

There are four pillars upon which this program was designed:


“Personal finance is more personal than it is finance.”

Money is a deeply emotional topic. We approach it in a very technical way, but research shows us that 90% of our financial decisions are driven by emotion, with only 10% based on logic.

The strictly math-based, technical approach to money that we see so often in financial advice only speaks to that teeny weeny 10%. So we’re doing ourselves a tremendous disservice when we ignore our feelings when it comes to finance.

As Dick Wagner once said, “money is weird stuff... money issues go to our hearts and souls in ways not yet perceived.”

Meaning if you really want to move the needle in a meaningful way, you have to intergrate the psychological and emotional aspects of money too.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?”

Mary Oliver


“Culturally and societally, we’re living in a toxic soup.”

Consumerism, capitalism and colonialism have profound impacts on our emotional and financial wellbeing...

  • We live within systems of oppression that intentionally uplift some at the expense of others.
  • We have been conditioned to believe that our worth as human beings is contingent on our ability to quickly and obediently generate capital -- in spite of (or often at the expense of), our overall wellbeing.
  • The infinite-growth ideology that fuels our culture of scarcity instills in us a bone-deep sense of not-enoughness. OUCH.

You BEST BELIEVE, my friends, that this has huge ramifications on your relationship with money.

However most financial education ignores these cultural conditions and instead perpetuates the harmful narrative of rugged individualism - something to the effect of, “if you’re struggling financially, you must not be trying hard enough”.


Because of this, we take a trauma-informed approach to our Financial Wellness. This program is all about thriving financially without ignoring systemic oppression, and without compromising our values. Which is not only possible, but also *necessary* in our pursuit of a better world.

“Not the world, not what’s outside of us, but what we hold inside traps us. We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world”.

Dr. Gabor Mate


“We must become the heroes of our own stories.”

Research clearly demonstrates that individuals with a strong internal locus of control experience higher levels of financial well-being. Meaning the most important shift in your money mindset will be when you courageously place your fate into your own hands.

We’re no longer leaving our financial futures in the hands of the powers-that-be. The wealth is NOT in fact trickling down as promised. And we’re not waiting around any longer.

This involves holding 2 truths at the same time:

1.) The toxic soup is real, and it creates very real financial barriers, AND

2.) You must empower yourself to exercise what agency is available to you in order to improve your financial outcomes.

As such: we devote ample time and space in this program to rewriting your money story. As Valarie Kaur says, “we live into what we imagine.”

Together we’re reimagining our future, as well as money’s role within it.

Only this time, YOU are the hero of this story.

“A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.”

Liberty Hyde Bailey


“The most potent healing and growth happens in community.”

Our dominant culture breeds competition and individualism, and this is reflected in our financial landscape.

But we are biologically wired for connection. So it’s incredibly healing to talk about money out loud, in an intimate and supportive group of kindred spirits.

As such: this program includes both 1-1 coaching support *and* group work. We’re going the distance TOGETHER.

1.) Because it's more fun that way 🥰, and

2.) Because the potential we have multiplies when we collaborate. 😎

We are deeply interconnected. Your financial wellness is a gift to yourself, your fellow classmates, your loved ones, your community and the world.

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We acknowledge with deep gratitude that our work takes place on the ancestral, unceded Coast Salish Territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋən & W̱SÁNEĆ nations.

Pine Trees

©2023 by Money Mapping

Headshots by Berkley & Jaela

Brand Identity by Lisa

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